Project 1: Friendship Bracelet
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What is this?
Okay, so for every chapter, there will be a project to help you practice the technique(s) you just learned. These project will build upon each other chapter to chapter.
This project is super easy, mostly just to get you in the mood for future projects, to get you practicing the chain stitch (ch), and also to show that you already can crochet something!
The Materials
• Yarn: Worsted Weight Cotton
• Hook: Size G6 / 4.00mm
• Other: Scissors
The Stitches
• Slip Knot (Chapter 2)
• Chain Stitch (Chapter 2)
I know this is pretty empty now, but this section will be important later on when we have a lot of different stiches we can use. Not every project uses every stitch and some projects will need stitches you’ve never heard of, which the project will either teach you or that you need to learn prior to starting.